Rabu, 13 November 2013

Examples Reply for English Letter

Reply of Inquiry Letter 

14th Floor Shun Koo Building
Aberdeen Hong Kong
13 Nov 2013
Attn: Mr Tim Lee
Sun Lee Consultancy Ltd
198 Fa Yuen Street

Dear Mr Lee
Enquiry regarding fire extinguishers
Thank you for your enquiry regarding our newly released range of fire extinguishers.
You will see from the enclosed catalogue that the range has been extended to include some highly efficient portable extinguishers for use on construction sites.
We are offering to our existing customers a 15% discount on orders of extinguishers from this new range.
We look forward to your increased order at this discount rate.

Yours sincerely

Silvia Choi
Silvia Choi
Merchandising Manager
Enc. 1

Reply of Application Letter 
Yayasan Kanaan
Jl. Kran Raya  No. 7 Telp (0352) 311 110
Jakarta Pusat (10610)
November 13, 2013
Number: 09/4-A/1/02
Subject: Call
Designation. Sdr. Fatah Ahmadi
Matraman Village District
Jakarta Pusat
In response to a job application letter you, we thank you. For further discussion,we expect the arrival of brothers on:
day, date : Monday, November 26, 2013
Time                   :  At 10.00 Am precisely
Purposes            :  TOEFL test and interview test in English
Place                  : 2nd Floor, room Summarecon B, Jl. Kran Raya  No. 7 Telp (0352) 311 110
   Jakarta Pusat (10610)
On occasion, we expect you :

1) Brings the original degree certificate
2) Bring a transcript and a copy
3) Bring 2B pencils and erasers
4)Wearing white dress and Under dark
Such a summons is made. Top your attention, I thank you.
HRD Manager,
Prof. Dr. Mac. Aroem, MSc.

Reply of Complaint Letter 

Customer Service
Cool Sports, LLC
8423 Green Terrace Road
Asterville, WA 65435
Tel: 0114 2872222
7 July 2004
Mr Ken Thomas
25 Finch Avenue
LS20 2JT
Dear Mr Ken Thomas
Thank you for your letter of 30 June. I am sorry that the estimated period for completion of your a new pair of soccer cleats (item #6542951) has already been exceeded. I realize how much inconvenience this delay must be causing you.
You can send back that item to me and I will exchange it with a new pair of shoes cleats with the same merk and models of the item. I’m so apologize with this mistake because I have much order from the other buyers I hope you can  be understanding of a situasion.
Take it easy and relax at your home at the same time for waiting a new pair of soccer cleats from me.
Please do not hestitate to telephone me if you have any further questions.
Yours sincerely


Reply of Order Letter 

Zamels Gold Jewelry
25 William Street, Perth
Western Australia
20 th May 2010

Jl. Senyum No. 14

Dear sirs,
We have received your letter concerning reservations gold earrings. We are very pleased that you are interested in our gold earrings. We’ll deliver according to your expectation and for payment via bank transfer to your commonwealth.
For their cooperation I thank you.
your faithfully,


Reply of Memo 

February 12, 2003

Ms. Felecia L. Greer
Executive Secretary
Public Service Commission of Maryland
6 St. Paul St., 16th Floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21202-6806

Re:  Staff’s Reply Memorandum - Case No. 8930

Dear Ms. Greer:

     Enclosed please find an original and fourteen copies of Staff’s Reply Memorandum to the appeal filed in Case No. 8930.  Staff recommends that the appeal be dismissed.


Michael A. Dean
Assistant Staff Counsel

cc:  Service List Case No. 8930
      Donald F. Rogers (OPC)

Source :

Minggu, 10 November 2013

This Is War

A warning to the people
The good and the evil

This is war
To the soldier, the civillian
The martyr, the victim
This is war

It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
The moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight, to fight, to fight, to fight

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world from the last to the first

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world, It's a brave new world

A warning to the prophet
To the liar, to the honest
This is war
To the leader, the pariah, the victim, the Messiah
This Is War

It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
The moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight, to fight, to fight, to fight

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world from the last to the first

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world, It's a brave new world, It's a brave new world

I do believe in the light
Raise your hands into the sky
The fight is done
The war is won
Lift your hands toward the sun
Toward the sun, toward the sun, toward the sun
The war is won

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world from the last to the first

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world, It's a brave new world, It's a brave new world

A brave new world, the war is won, the war is won, a brave new world

I believe in nothing not the end and not the start
I believe in nothing not the earth and not the stars
I believe in nothing not the day or not the dark
I believe in nothing not but the beating of our hearts
I believe in nothing not 100 suns until we part
I believe in nothing not not in sin and not in God
I believe in nothing not not in peace and not in war
I believe in nothing not but the truth in who we are

Never Go Back

I love the way she breathe (on the go)
Don’t you want to, don’t you want to
Start a new day, let’s go

She loves the way i shake (on the go)
Don’t you want to, don’t you want to
Start a new day, let’s go

No one care, it’s hard for me
Don’t want to feel this no more
It’s hard to see, you take your way
And i swear i’ll never go

(hard to see you take away, and i swear i’ll never go)
Don’t be afraid , don’t be afraid, and i’ll never looking back
(hard to see you take away, and i swear i’ll never go)
Don’t be afraid , don’t be afraid, and i’ll never looking back

No one care, it’s hard for me
Don’t want to feel this no more
It’s hard to see, you take your way
And i swear i’ll never go back

I will never take a step back and i will never go back
I will never take a step back and i will never go back
I will never take a step back and i will never go back

(never go back, never go back, never go back, never go back)

I will never take a step back and i will never go back
I will never take a step back and i will never go back
I will never take a step back and i will never go back
I will never take a step back and i will never go

(never go back, never go back)

Future Perfect Tense

Kita biasanya menggunakan kalimat dengan struktur Future Perfect tense bahasa inggris ini untuk menyatakan sebuah kejadian yang akan selesai di masa depan yang pada awalnya sudah dimulai di masa lalu. Pengertian future perfect tense disebut juga dengan nama Present Future Perfect Tense atau Future Perfect Simple Tense. Untuk mengenal lebih jelas mengenai struktur kalimat Future perfect tense ini anda dapat menggunakan susunan rumus penggunaan Kalimat ini seperti yang telah disediakan di bawah.

Rumus Future Perfect Tense
Berikut ini adalah rumus yang digunakan untuk membuat beberapa jenis kalimat dengan struktur Future perfect tenses secara tepat.
1. Penggunaan dalam Kalimat Positif (+)
Subject + shall/will + have + been + complement
Subject + shall/will + have + verb III + object
2. Penggunaan dalam Kalimat Negatif (-)
Subject + shall/will + not + been + complement
Subject + shall/will + not + have + verb III + object
3. Penggunaan dalam Kalimat Interrogative atau kalimat tanya (?)
Shall/will + subject + been + complement
Shall/will + subject + have + verb III + object?

Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh kalimat dengan struktur Future perfect tense:
• I will have been in this hospital until tomorrow morning (+)
Saya akan telah berada di rumah sakit ini sampai besok pagi
• I will not have been in this hospital until tomorrow morning (-)
saya tidak akan telah berada di rumah sakit ini sampai besok pagi
• Eric will not have been in his room until tomorrow afternoon (-)
Eric tidak akan telah berada di kamarnya sampai besok siang
• Will you have been in this hospital until tomorrow morning? (?)
Apakah kamu akan telah berada disini sampai besok pagi?
• Majid will have rented my house next month (+)
Majid akan telah menyewa rumahku bulan depan
• Majid will not have rented my house next month (-)
Majid tidak akan telah menyewa rumahku bulan depan
• Will Majid have rented my house next month? (?)
apakah Majid akan telah menyewa rumahku bulan depan ?
• Eric will have been in his room until tomorrow afternoon (+)
Eric akan telah berada di kamarnya sampai besok siang
• Eric will not have been in his room until tomorrow afternoon (-)
Eric tidak akan telah berada di kamarnya sampai besok siang
• Will Eric have been in his room until tomorrow afternoon?
Apakah Eric akan telah berada di kamarnya sampai besok siang?

Dalam kalimat yang menggunakan struktur ini, keterangan waktu (adverb of time) yang umum digunakan adalah sebagai berikut:
Before, by tomorrow/7 o’clock/next month, until/till

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan sekarang masih berlanjut. Tenses ini juga digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian yang dimulai dimasa lalu dan baru saja selesai. Dalam present perfect continous, ada kejelasan waktu seperti “since 1990, for four hours”. Keterangan waktu tersebut merupakan ciri utama dari present perfect continous tense karena menunjukkan kapan kegiatan itu terjadi.

Info Detail Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- Jika dalam suatu kalimat tidak ada keterangan waktu maka kalimat tersebut tidak bisa disebut present perfect. Karena , keterangan waktu menjadi penanda kapan kalimat tersebut dimulai.
- Adverb of time ( keterangan waktu ) yang digunakan dalam present perfect continous tense adalah “since” dan “for”
- Adverb of placement yang digunakan biasanya always, only, never, ever, still, just.
- Kita tidak bisa menggunakan non-continous verbs dalam present perfect continous tense.
Contoh :
o Sam has been having his car for two years. Salah
o Sam has had his car for two years. Benar
- Jenis auxiliary verb yang digunakan dalam present perfect continuous tense adalah has been atau have been.
- Penggunaan since atau for tergantung pada keterangan waktu dalam kalimat present perfect continuous tense. Ada beberapa ketentuan dalam penggunaan since dan for
o Jika keterangan waktu yang digunakan sudah jelas seperti four o’clock, 1995 maka kalimat tersebut menggunakan since.
o Namun jika keterangan waktu yang digunakan tidak jelas, seperti four hours, five hours, four days ,maka kalimat tersebut menggunakan kata for.
o Kata four hours, three hours , four days termasuk tidak jelas karena tidak disebutkan empat jam dari hari apa yang digunakan dalam kalimat dan juga sebaliknya tidak jelas empat hari dari bulan apa yang ada di dalam kalimat.

Rumus Present Perfect Continuous Tense
(+) Bentuk positif
- Subject + has / have + been + verb-ing
Contoh :
- They have been working together since senior high school.
- She has been working at that company for three years.
(-) Bentuk negatif
- Subject + has / have + not + been + verb-ing
Contoh :
- It has not been raining for three days
- I have not been living in America since 2003.
(?) Bentuk interrogative
- Has/have + subject + been + verb-ing?
Contoh :
- Have you been eating this egg for an hour?
- Has he been playing cricket for two hours?
Present perfect continous tense memiliki beberapa fungsi yaitu :
1. Digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat yang dimulai di waktu lampau dan berlanjut hingga sekarang. Contoh:
- James has been teaching at the university since June.
- We have been waiting here for over two hours!
2. Present perfect continuous juga dapat digunakan tanpa kata keterangan waktu. Tapi, keterangan waktu tersebut diganti dengan “lately”, dan “recently”. Penggunaan kata “lately”dan “recently” di perlukan untuk memperjelas kalimat. Contoh :
- Recently, I have been feeling very tired.
- She has been watching television too much lately.

Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense merupakan jenis tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang telah terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu.
- Jenis kejadian bisa pendek atau panjang.
- Juga bisa menjadi beberapa kejadian terjadi satu demi persatu.
Secara umum, Ada dua fakta penting yang perlu diingat dalam simple past tense ini :
- Ada ratusan macam kata kerja tak beraturan ( Irregular Verbs) dengan bentuk yang berbeda
- Bentuk kalimat negatif dan pertanyaan (interrogative) berbeda dengan bentuk kalimat positif contoh :
o You called Daniel
o Did you call Daniel?
o You did not call Daniel.
Pada contoh ada 3 kalimat negative dengan bentuk positif, negative, dan interrogative. Pada kalimat negative dan interrogative Kata kerja “call” tidak ditulis dalam bentuk Verb II karena sudah ada did sebagai penanda lampau sehingga kata kerja “call” ditulis dalam bentuk Verb I.

Rumus Simple Past Tense dan Contoh
Berikut ini rumus simple present tense yang terbagi dalam 3 bentuk :
(+) Bentuk Positif :
- Subject + was/were + complement (pelengkap)
- Subject + Verb II + Object
Contoh :
- I saw a movie yesterday
- Last year, Daniel was here
(-) Bentuk Negatif
- Subject + to be (was/were) + not + complement
- Subject + did not + Verb I + Object
Contoh :
- I did not see him yesterday
- She was not here yesterday
Bentuk did not atau was/were not bisa disingkat menjadi didn’t atau wasn’t dan weren’t
( ? ) Bentuk Interrogative :
- Did + Subject + Verb I + Object + ?
Contoh :
- Did you play football yesterday ?

Ada beberapa fungsi dari simple past tense yaitu :
1. Menyatakan kegiatan / aktivitas yang sudah terjadi di waktu lampau. Biasanya si pelaku dalam kalimat tidak menyatakan kapan aktivitas tersebut berakhir. Contoh :
- I saw a movie yesterday.
- Did you have your dinner last night?
- He did not wash his car.
2. Menyatakan beberapa kegiatan yang sudah terjadi di waktu lampau. Biasanya jumlah kegiatannya lebih dari satu. Contoh :
- I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim
- He arrived from the airport at 08.00 Am, checked into the hotel at 09.00 Am, and met others at 10.00 Am
- Did you add flour, pour in the milk, and then eggs?
3. Menyatakan jangka waktu dari kegiatan yang sudah terjadi di waktu lampau. Durasi waktu yang dijelaskan biasanya lama. Bisa dua tahun,
- I lived in Brazil for two years
- Shauna studied Japanese for five years.
4. Menyatakan kebiasaan yang terjadi dan sudah berhenti di waktu lampau. Bentuk ini sama dengan “Used to”. Biasanya kita menambahkan keterangan waktu seperti always, often, usually. Contoh :
- I studied Japanese language when I was child.
- She worked at movie theater, when she was in junior high school.
5. Menyatakan kebenaran umum yang pernah terjadi di masa lampau yang sudah tidak terjadi lagi. Contoh :
- She was shy as a child , but now she is easy going/
- He did not like tomatoes before.

Past Continuous Tense

Dalam Pengertiannya Past Continuous Tense mengungkapkan tindakan di masa lalu yang sedang berlangsung. tindakan kadang dapat juga disela oleh sesuatu. bentuk tenses bahasa inggris ini disebut juga Past Progressive Tense.
Past continuous Tense ini dibentuk dengan bantuan “to be” kata kerja, dalam bentuk lampau, ditambah dengan present participle dari kata kerja (dengan-ing akhir).

Penggunaan Past Continuous Tense
1. Tindakan yang sedang berlangsung.
2. kegiatan yang terinterupsi di masa lampau
[Past Continuous] + When + [Past Simple]
Contoh: I was reading a book when she came
Aku sedang membaca buku ketika dia datang
3. 2 atau lebih kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu yang sama di masa lalu. Jadi nanti kalimat ini menjelaskan beberapa kegiatan yang terjadi dalam 1 waktu
Contoh: While Ellen was singing, Tim was watching drama movie.
Ketika Ellen sedang bernyanyii, tim sedang menonton film drama
They were eating lunch, discussing their job, and having a good conversation.
Mereka sedang makan siang, mendiskusikan pekerjaan mereka, dan menikmati pembicaraan mereka
4. Pertanyaan bersyarat / sopan
Misalnya : I was wondering if you could carry my bag.
Aku ingin bertanya apakah kamu bisa membawa tas ku
5. waktu tertentu yang digunakan sebagai interupsi
Contoh :1.At midnight, we still walking in the forest
Saat tengah malam. Kami masih berjalan di dalam hutan
Keterangan waktu di sini dipakai untuk menentukan kegiatan itu mulai atau berhenti
6. mendeskripsikan atmosfer
Kita sering menggunakan parallel aksi untuk menjelaskan atmosfer di masa lampau
When I ran into the room, few people were busily writing, some were speaking to each other, the boss was shouting directions, and clients were waiting to be explained.
Ketika aku masuk ke dalam ruang , beberapa orang sedang sibuk menulis, ada yang sedang berbicara satu sama lain, bos berteriak ke segala arah, dan klien-klien menunggu untuk dijelaskan.
Rumus Past Continuous Tense

Rumus past continuous tense untuk membuat kalimat
Positif (+)
Subject + to be (was/were) + verb-ing + object
Negatif (-)
Subject + was/were + not + verb-ing + object
Tanya (?)
- was/were + subject + verb-ing + object ?

Contoh – Past Continuous tense :
He was sleeping when I came (+)
- Dia sedang tidur ketika saya datang
He was not sleeping when I came (-)
- Dia tidak sedang tidur ketika saya datang
Was he sleeping when I came ?
- apakah dia sedang tidur ketika saya datang ?
I was working all night yesterday(+)
- saya sedang bekerja sepanjang malam kemarin
I was not working all night yesterday (-)
- Saya tidak sedang bekerja sepanjang malam kemarin
were you working all night yesterday ?
- Apakah kamu sedang bekerja sepanjang malam kemarin ?