Sabtu, 26 April 2014

Assigment 2

Find the definition of information question (5W+1H), yes/no questions, and tag question ?
Information Question (5W+1H)
One of the most universally used tools for information gathering, analysis, organization and presentation is the 5W1H framework. This method is used across a range of professions, from process analysts to quality engineers to journalists, to understand and explain virtually any problem or issue. The same method can be used to organize the writing of reports, articles, white papers, and even whole books.

The Basic Approach
This approach seeks to answer six basic questions in gathering information about nearly any subject: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. Sometimes, depending on the context, a second "H" might be used: How Much.
In journalism, news story writing requires that the questions to be answered take a basic form:          
1. Who is it about?
2. What is it about?
3. When did it happen?
4.  Where did it happen?
5.  Why did it happen?
6.  How did it happen?
Applying the 5W1H framework to other types of writing or investigation takes some interpretation. The order in which the answers to the questions is presented may vary, but the "what" is usually addressed first.

·         What
In journalism, the "what" identifies an event and is often stated in the "lead (or lede)," the first paragraph of a news story. The "what" is the primary subject, the reason the information is being gathered and presented. Apart from journalism, it may be stated in a title and in a purpose statement. The "what" may need to be defined, a process that may comprise the remainder of a document.
Example :    What, specifically,...?

·         Who
A news story identifies who an event involves. The "who" may be part of the lede, and could be the reason the story is news worthy. In other contexts, the "who" identifies the persons or groups the "what" concerns. It might describe the audience of a document, or those who are affected by a policy, process or procedure.
Example :    Who benefits?

·         When
A key part of a news story is describing when an event happened. Answering the "when" indicates any time sensitivity related to the "what." It may be part of an instruction regarding the proper point at which a action should be taken. Sometimes it may be part of an "If...then" scenario of conditional action.
Example :    When will it start/end?

·         Where
A news story reports the location at which an event took place. The "where" describes a geographical or physical location of importance to the "what." At times, the where may be less important than other factors.
Example :    Where are you?
·         Why
The "why" is usually the most neglected of the questions in the framework. News stories often lack information from authoritative sources to explain the "why." In other contexts, the "why" may be considered irrelevant, particularly when describing a policy or procedure decreed by an organizational authority. Efforts to ascertain and explain the "why" may help those affected be more accepting of any change the "what" requires.
Example :    Why does that happen?

·         How
For journalists, determining how an event took place may be nearly as challenging as explaining the "why," although more effort is usually put to satisfying the question. When describing policies, processes or procedures, the how may be the most important part of the effort. A considerable appetite for understanding how to do something can be found across audiences. Sometimes effort focuses on the "what" when more work should be devoted to explaining the "how."
Example :    How much?

Yes/No Questions

The answers for simple questions in English are "Yes,","No," or "I don't know" (or its equivalent). The answers for information questions are varied--because they are used to ask about specific kinds of information.
There are 2 types of interrogative sentence in English (question words), namely:  
a.       The WH question words 
b.      Yes or no questions

Yes-no question can be made by changing the declarative sentence (statement). You have to know which one subject, the main verb (not followed by any verb), and helping / auxiliary verb (primary auxiliary verb / capital). Brief explanation is as follows.

Tag Questions 

A question tag or tag question (also known as tail question) is a grammatical structure in which a declarative statement or an imperative is turned into a question by adding an interrogative fragment (the "tag"). For example, in the sentence "You're John, aren't you?", the statement "You're John" is turned into a question by the tag "aren't you". The term "question tag" is generally preferred by British grammarians, while their American counterparts prefer "tag question".

Make your own example of sentence using those 3 kinds of question (each kind 5 examlpes) ?

Information Question (5W+1H)
·         Who are you? = siapa kamu?
·         What was he playing? = sedang bermain apa dia?
·         Where does he playing? = dimana dia bermain?
·         When did they play? = kapan mereka bermain?
·         Why did it happen? = mengapa hal itu terjadi?
·         How did it happen? = bagaimana hal itu terjadi?

Yes/No Questions
a. Does he eat a melon ?
    Yes, he does
    No. he does not

b. Do they make some trouble ?
    Yes, they do
     No, they do not

c.  Did you go to hospital last week ?
     Yes, i did
      No, i did not

d. Is Mother in the Kitchen ?
    Yes, he is
    No, he is not

e. Was you there last night ?
    Yes, i was
     No, i wasn't

Tag Question
- Ania is a pretty girl, isn't she? Yes, she is.
- Chartine likes watching a horror film, doesn't he? Yes, he does.
- Your sister isn't a model, is she? No, she isn't.
- Your brother doesn't like a cup of tea, does he? No, he doesn't
- He can stay here, can't he ?

Nama : Chesar Rahmadi
NPM : 21110565
Kelas : 4KB05

Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

Officially Missing You

All I hear is raindrops
Falling on the rooftop
Oh baby tell me why’d you have to go
Cause this pain I feel
It wont go away
And today I’m officially missing you
I thought that from this heartache
I could escape
But I fronted long enough to know
There ain’t no way
And today
I’m officially missing you

Oh can’t nobody do it like you
Said every little thing you do
Hey baby say it stays on my mind
And I, I’m officially

All I do is lay around
Two years full of tears
From looking at your face on the wall
Just a week ago you were my baby
Now I don’t even know you at all
I don’t know you at all
Well I wish that you would call me right now
So that I could get through to you somehow
But I guess it’s safe to say baby safe to say
That I’m officially missing you

Well I thought I could just get over you baby
But I see that’s something I just can’t do
From the way you would hold me
To the sweet things you told me
I just can’t find a way
To let go of you

It's official
You know that I’m missing you
Yeah yes
All I hear is raindrops
And I’m officially missing you

Panduan Berbahasa Inggris / Tips Tata Bahasa

Salah satu tips belajar tata bahasa Inggris adalah sebagai berikut
  1. Ambil kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris
  2. Hapalkan kalimat tersebut
  3. Pikirkan kalimat tersebut secara berulang kali
Dengan menggunakan cara ini, kita dapat belajar bahwa suatu kalimat disusun dari SUATU struktur dan bukan dari struktur YANG LAIN. Dari pengamatan terhadap kalimat tersebut, kita dapat menggali lebih dalam apa yang ada pada kalimat tersebut dan apa yang tidak ada di kalimat tersebut.

Sebagai contoh kalimat di bawah ini diambil secara acak dari
"At least one policeman was injured in the explosion which happened when security forces were patrolling in the port city of Trincomalee"

Dari kalimat di atas kita dapat belajar
  • bahwa penulisan yang benar adalah patrolling (dengan 2 L) dan bukan patroling (dengan 1 L)
  • TIDAK dikatakan "which was happening when security forces were patrolling" karena alasan tertentu
  • dituliskan "one policeman" dan bukan "1 policeman" karena alasan tertentu
  • alih-alih hanya dituliskan "in Trincomalee", di situ ditambahkan informasi dengan mengatakan "in the port city of Trincomalee". Dengan demikian kita juga dapat menggunakan struktur yang sama untuk tujuan yang lain, misal "I studied in the small town of Magelang" sebagai pengganti "I studied in Magelang, which is a small town" yang lazim kita gunakan.
Dalam menulis dalam bahasa Inggris, terutama untuk bidang akademik, kita perlu menggunakan tata bahasa (grammar) yang baku, seperti halnya penggunaan Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia Yang Disempurnakan. Meskipun demikian dalam realita, terutama untuk percakapan sehari-hari, grammar tidaklah diutamakan. Peletakan kata yang terbolak-balik masih dapat dimaklumi, selama kata kunci (keywords) diucapkan, dan kalimat masih dapat dimengerti lawan bicara. Misal: I want to sit on that chair; On that chair I want to sit. Ini mirip penggunaan bahasa Indonesia oleh para serdadu Belanda jaman perang dahulu (Saya mau duduk di situ; Di situ saya mau duduk; Mau duduk di situ saya; Duduk di situ saya mau).
Penekanan pada 'kata kunci' (keywords) juga jadi trik utama dalam upaya mendengarkan percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris (listening). I want to sit on that chair. Perhatikan kata I, sit, chair.

Treat Eye Minus With Betel Leaves


Cure eye minus the betel leaf - who does not love having beautiful eyes healthy and free from glasses. almost all people would want the subject. have a healthy body, indeed throughout the dream. But what if you've already had a situation minus eye. eye has minus is indeed tiring. not only because the cape hang glasses on the face, it is also disturbing about patient motion area. you are no longer so free while doing some activities like swimming or other type of activity. But you do not lose heart, because minus the eye can be treated. however it all depends on how much damage your eyes as well as the situation also how diligent you are doing therapy. nah, for those of you who still have not been too chronic pain situation you can still receive the opportunity to regain your healthy eyes without glasses or contack must use the lens just use betel leaf.Betel leaf which has so many benefits to avoid and cure diseases recognized to cure eye minus. when the article was originally kenzoo first to share about dealing with bad breath fast time with betel leaf, then in the current health guide back kenzoo share about another benefit of betel leaf to cure eye the first kenzoo explain in writing at the beginning that leaves coined astiri oil content, namely kadinen, kavikol, cineol, eugenol, and karvakol. astiri oil from the betel leaf contains sesquiterpenes, starch, diatase, sugar and tannin substances which have the power to kill germs as well as antioxidants as well as antifungal.antiseptic substances to all parts can remove the dirt on the eyes and also reduce eye pain. when maintenance is done regularly and continuously to cure eye minus. step is quite easy use and uncomplicated. Take enough betel leaf that was old then fold the four sides so the folds. side of the form is beyond the bone. then put on the eye as well as the key to keep from falling plaster and let it all overnight.This step is very good indeed done at night while sleeping. This subject can remove impurities that exist in the eye as well as to cure eye minus. minus the eye healing is by using betel leaf is not the same for everyone. although this can avail betel leaf relaxes the eye muscles, but to cure eye minus can be coupled with a special massage on the eye nerve. generally some expert can do acupressure acupressure in the eye area with a circular malakukannya and very careful because this berhubngan with nerves.use betel leaves to cure eye minus worked well for the situation remains small minus eye. optimal, patient experienced minus three. as well as to reduce to patients with increasingly more minus three is generally a few experts can also provide herbal drops. some experts acupressure therapist mentioned that eye problems can be cured with a minus is indeed more or less full-blooded diarea eyes. massage therapy in addition to the specific diarea also need done. when pressed, to which his eyes minus can feel pain.not only with the above steps, use of water combined with betel leaf, you can get rid of the germs on the eyes. This step can be done when the eyes and conceded a soft object small animals that are difficult to be removed from within the eye. eyes feel jammed due to the difficulty excreting the entry. to put into a plate of betel leaves and then fill it with water, put your eyes water merged into a piece of betel leaf. try to open and close your eyes over and over again when the eye had gone down into the water until the dirt is removed.nah, so health guide on current opportunities regarding the use of betel leaf for eye treatment minus the share kenzoo can make some close friends. may be useful.

sumber :

Subject, Verb, Complement, Modifier and Make 5 sentences and determine its pronoun

Assignment 1


Definition: The subject of a sentence is the noun, pronoun or noun phrase that precedes and governs the main verb. The subject is the part of the sentence that performs an action or which is associated with the action.

For example:

* The police interviewed all the witnesses.
* The subject the police performs the action of interviewing all the witnesses.

To determine the subject of a sentence, first isolate the verb and then make a question by placing "who?" or "what?" before it. Having identified the Subject, we can see that the remainder of the sentence tells us what the Subject does or did. We refer to this string as the "predicate" of the sentence.

For example:

* Who interviewed all the witnesses?
=> "The police" (= Subject)
=> "interviewed all the witnesses" ( = predicate) tell us what the police did.

Subjects can either be "simple", "compound" or "complex"

Simple Subject
Composed of a single pronoun, noun or noun phrase.

Complex Subject
A complex subject consists of a noun phrase and any words, phrases, or clauses that modify it.

For example:

* The superior performance of La Traviata pleased the wealthy audience.
=>central noun: performance
=> complex subject: the superior performance of La Traviata

Compound Subject
A compound subject consists of two or more noun phrases (and their modifiers if any) joined together with a coordinating conjunction.

For example:

* Neither the superior performance of La Traviata nor the excellent wine at intermission pleased the wealthy audience.
=> Again, the whole phrase, "neither the superior performance of La Traviata nor the excellent wine at intermission," is the subject. The phrase answers the question, "What pleased the wealthy audience?"


Definition: Verbs are a class of words used to show the performance of an action (do, throw, run), existence (be), possession (have), or state (know, love) of a subject. To put it simply a verb shows what something or someone does.

For example:

* We buy some books to learn English verbs.
* In this example, the action word is "to buy". It tells us that the subject "we", that is the person who performs the action of the verb is "buying some books".

The verb tense shows the time of the action or state. Aspect shows whether the action or state is completed or not. Voice is used to show relationships between the action and the people affected by it. Mood shows the attitude of the speaker about the verb, whether it is a declaration or an order. Verbs can be affected by person and number to show agreement with the subject.

Most statements in speech and writing have a main verb. These verbs are expressed in "tenses" which place everything in a point in time.

Verbs are conjugated (inflected) to reflect how they are used. There are two general areas in which conjugation occurs; for person and for tense.

Present Simple: kiss/kisses
Past Simple: kissed
Future Simple: will kiss
Present Perfect: has/have kissed
Past Perfect: had kissed
Future Perfect: will have kissed
Present Continuous (Progressive): is/am/are kissing
Past Continuous (Progressive): was kissing
Future Continuous (Progressive): will be kissing
Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive): has/have been kissing
Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive): had been kissing
Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive): will have been kissing

Conjugation for person
Conjugation for person occurs when the verb changes form, depending on whether it is governed by a first, second, or third person subject. This gives three conjugations for any verb depending on who is acting as the subject of the verb. For example: we have I begin, you begin , and he begins. Note that only the third conjunction really shows a difference.

In English, we distinguish between regular and irregular verbs. Regular verbs are those ones which form their past simple and past participle just by adding "-ed" to the base of the verb. The rest are irregular.


* Dracula bites his victims on the neck.
* In early October, Giselle will plant twenty tulip bulbs.
* She travels to work by train.
* We walked five miles to a garage.


A complement completes the verb. It is similar to the subject because it's usually a noun or noun phrase, However, it generally follows the verb when the sentence in the active voice.
Note : Every sentence doesn't require a complement
The complement can't begin with a preposition
Example : He was smoking a cigarette
John bought a cake yesterday

Subject complements are defined as words, phrases, and clauses that follow a copular or linking verb and refer back to modify or describe the subject. Subject complements are grammatical constituents embedded in the predicate of clauses.
Noun Phrases as Subject Complements

The first grammatical form that can perform the grammatical function of subject complement is the noun phrase. Noun phrases are defined as phrases that consist of a noun or pronoun plus any modifiers or complements. For example, the following italicized noun phrases function as subject complements:

* The professor is an exceptionally intelligent person.
* My sister became a mother last night.


tells the time, place or manner of the action. Very often it's a prepositional phrase. Prepotional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun.
Note : A modifier of time usually comes last if more than one modifier is present.
Example of prepositional phrases :
In the morning, at university, on the table
A modifier can also be an adverb or an adverbial phrase :
Last night, hurriedly, next year, outdoors, yesterday
Example : John bought a book at the bookstore
(modifier place)
Jill was swimming in the pool yesterday
(modifier of place)(modifier of time)

Example :

1.   Georgeis cookingdinnertonight
     Subject   Verb Phrase   Complement     Modifier of Time
2.   Henry and Marciahave visitedthe president
            Subject         Verb Phrase       Complement    
3.   Wecan eatlunchin this restauranttoday
    Subject      Verb         Complement     Modifier of Place    Modifier of Time
4.   Patshould have boughtgasolineyesterday
    Subject          Verb Phrase          Complement       Modifier of Time
5Paul, William and Marywere watchingtelevisiona few minutes ago
Subject                 Verb Phrase         Complement     Modifier of Time


A pronoun is used in place of a noun or nouns. Common pronouns include he, her, him, I, it, me, she, them, they, us, and we. Here are some examples:

INSTEAD OF: Luma is a good athlete.
She is a good athlete. (The pronoun she replaces Luma.)
INSTEAD OF: The beans and tomatoes are fresh-picked.
They are fresh-picked. (The pronoun they replaces the beans and tomatoes.)
Often a pronoun takes the place of a particular noun. This noun is known as the antecedent. A pronoun "refers to," or directs your thoughts toward, its antecedent.
Let's call Luma and ask her to join the team. (Her is a pronoun; Luma is its antecedent.)
To find a pronoun's antecedent, ask yourself what that pronoun refers to. What does her refer to in the sentence above—that is, who is the her?The her in the sentence is Luma; therefore, Luma is the antecedent.

Subjective Pronouns

A subjective pronoun acts as the subject of a sentence—it performs the action of the verb. The subjective pronouns are he, I, it, she, they, we, and you.
After lunch, she and I went to the planetarium.

Objective Pronouns

An objective pronoun acts as the object of a sentence—it receives the action of the verb. The objective pronouns are her, him, it, me, them, us, and you.
Take a picture of him, not us!

Possessive Pronouns

A possessive pronoun tells you who owns something. The possessive pronouns are hers, his, its, mine, ours, theirs, and yours.
Yours is on the coffee table.

Demonstrative Pronouns

A demonstrative pronoun points out a noun. The demonstrative pronouns are that, these, this, and those.
That is a good idea.
A demonstrative pronoun may look like a demonstrative adjective, but it is used differently in a sentence: it acts as a pronoun, taking the place of a noun.

Interrogative Pronouns

An interrogative pronoun is used in a question. It helps to ask about something. The interrogative pronouns are what, which, who, whom, and compound words ending in "ever," such as whatever, whichever, whoever, and whomever.

Indefinite Pronouns

An indefinite pronoun refers to an indefinite, or general, person or thing. Indefinite pronouns include all, any, both, each, everyone, few, many, neither, none, nothing, several, some, and somebody.

Relative Pronouns

A relative pronoun introduces a clause, or part of a sentence, that describes a noun. The relative pronouns are that, which, who, and whom.
You should bring the book that you love most.

Reflexive Pronouns

A reflexive pronoun refers back to the subject of a sentence. The reflexive pronouns are herself, himself, itself, myself, ourselves, themselves, and yourselves. Each of these words can also act as an intensive pronoun (see below).

Intensive Pronouns

An intensive pronoun emphasizes its antecedent (the noun that comes before it). The intensive pronouns are herself, himself, itself, myself, ourselves, themselves, and yourselves. Each of these words can also act as a reflective pronoun (see above).

SSource : 

      Name  : Chesar Rahmadi
      Class  : 4KB05
      NPM  : 21110565